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In This Issue

 The Reale thing
Amid a maelstrom of international financial turmoil, the Euro is dropping rapidly against the dollar. But there's nothing happy about this situation, and wines of good value remain a worthy target.
 Frightfully Good Savings at The California Wine Club! This week The California Wine Club has a special offer just for 30 Second Wine Advisor subscribers: Save 15% off any wine store or wine club purchase.
 Ambra 2006 Barco Reale di Carmignano ($12.99) Pleasant, well-balanced, with relatively rational 13.5% alcohol, a good food wine at a recession-busting price.
 This week on
Correspondent Daniel Rogov offers a baker's dozen of helpful tips on setting up wine-tasting parties. The WineLovers Discussion Group is having fun with a "Wine Probation Support Group."
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This article was published in The 30 Second Wine Advisor on Monday, Oct. 27, 2008 and can be found at

The Reale thing

Amid a maelstrom of international financial turmoil, the Euro is dropping rapidly against the dollar.

Before any of us get too excited about the prospect of U.S. shelf prices on high-end European wines dropping back within reason, let's remember a couple of grim realities.

First, of course, is this deadly serious matter: We're looking at an international banking, real-estate and financial mess here that has no bottom in sight and could spin the world into a deep recession or even the first Depression since the big one of 1929. Such a situation culd make such trivial matters as expensive wine quite irrelevant.

But even if we luck out this time and pass through the turmoil with most of us relatively unscathed, bear in mind that wine takes a long time to come through the pipeline, and prices rarely go down as quickly as they rise. It took a couple of years for the impact of the rising Euro to reach retail shelves with full impact. Chances are that any decline won't come with lightning speed.

For the duration, let's be glad if we still have disposable income to spend on wine at all. And you can count on this publication (assuming we can afford to keep putting it out!) to keep you posted about the relatively affordable wines that taste like they're pricey.

Like today's wine, for instance: Ambra 2006 Barco Reale di Carmignano, a fairly priced $13 in this market, may be the "little brother" of Tuscany's Carmignano, made from younger vines for earlier consumption, it legitimately meets the criteria for a "Super Tuscan," blending up to 80 percent of the traditional Chianti grapes Sangiovese (50%), Canaiolo and Malvasia (30%) with as much as 20 percent of the international Cabernet Franc or Cabernet Sauvignon.

A relatively modern Tuscan wine region, established only in 1994, Barco Reale occupies and is named after the royal hunting reserve of the Medici family, rulers of Florence and its surroundings during the Renaissance era.

Barco Reale can be a wine of real value, sharing with its Tuscan cousins an exceptional food-friendliness; it's ready to drink at release but will benefit from at least short-term cellaring. My tasting notes are below.

Ambra 2006 Barco Reale di Carmignano ($12.99)

Barco Reale

Dark garnet with a reddish-violet edge. Plums and spice, a distinct earthy "tree-bark" note behind the fruit. Fresh and bright red-fruit flavor, medium-bodied and nicely structured with snappy acidity that lingers. Pleasant, well-balanced, with relatively rational 13.5% alcohol, a good food wine. U.S. importer: Vintner Select, Mason, Ohio; A Marc de Grazia Selection. (Oct. 21, 2008)

FOOD MATCH: It might seem a cliche for a rustic Italian red, but spaghetti and meatballs with fresh-tomato sauce did make a fine match.

VALUE: This lower-teens price is a good buy for Barco Reale, which appears to sell at most U.S. retailers between $12 and $16

WHEN TO DRINK: Ready to enjoy now with a good food match, but it could use two or three years' cellar time and should hold in a good cellar for 8 to 10 years after the vintage.

Here's a link to a Barco Reale fact sheet on, the excellent, English-language information site of the Italian Trade Commission.

Find vendors and compare prices for Ambra Barco Reale on

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This week on

Rogov's Ramblings: Wine Tasting Parties - Evenings of Pleasure
More and more people have requested guidelines that will help them organize such evenings at home. Here is a baker's dozen of helpful tips from correspondent Daniel Rogov.

WineLovers Discussion Group: Wine Probation Support Group
WineLovers Discussion Group members are having fun joking (or is it a joke) about talking each other out of the wines that they want but can't afford. Join the merriment at this link:

Last Week's Wine Advisor Index

The Wine Advisor's daily edition is usually distributed on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. However, we're skipping some editions at this point, and the Wine Advisor FoodLetter, customarily distributed on Thursdays, has been on break. I hope to resume it before long.

 Bubbly and popcorn! (Oct 24, 2008)

 Winning claret (Oct. 20, 2008)

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