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 Voting Booth: Time for screw caps? Are you ready for screw caps on fine wine? Our reader poll feature seeks your opinions.
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Voting Booth: Time for screw caps?

Last month, in a 30 Second Wine Advisor article titled "Uncorking the industry," I made the provocative suggestion that the jury is just about in: Screw caps offer a better alternative than natural cork or plastic synthetic stoppers as the most practical and effective way to keep wine in bottles. I'll say this without any equivocation when it comes to wines meant to be drunk within a few years after production, and with only a very slight degree of waffling even for high-end, cellarworthy wines to be kept for decades.

Naturally, my mail on this bold commentary was mixed. I got a lot of "attaboys" from folks who report that one too many wines spoiled by natural-cork taint have them ready to abandon the tree-bark alternative now and forever. A few, however, defend the 300-year tradition with almost religious fervor. And there's certainly a fair share of consumers who really just don't much care.

Because these developments are moving so quickly nowadays, with more and more wines showing up under sturdy Stelvin-brand and similar metal caps, amid reports that even the snootiest sommeliers are quietly mastering new tricks aimed at cracking and untwirling screw caps with style and flair, I thought this would be a good time to host a simple, straightforward, up-and-down Wine Lovers' Voting Booth on the subject.

The ballot samples your opinion, and, very roughly, your level of enthusiasm, with five simple choices ranging from "Hell yes!" through "I don't know" to "Hell no!" as we ask, "Are you ready for screw caps on fine wine?"

The Voting Booth is anonymous and easy to use, so I hope as many of you as possible will respond, helping us build a solid, if not rigorously scientific, measure of the attitudes of wine lovers around the world.

To cast your ballot, simply click to the Voting Booth,
Once you have voted, the software will immediately add your entry to the list. You can use this link to check the current totals:

Here's a simply formatted copy of today's Wine Advisor, designed to be printed out for your scrapbook or file or downloaded to your PDA or other wireless device.

If you'd like to ask a question or comment on today's topic (or any other wine-related subject), you'll find a round-table online discussion in our interactive Wine Lovers' Discussion Group, where you're always welcome to join in the conversations about wine.

If you prefer to comment privately, feel free to send me E-mail at I'll respond personally to the extent that time and volume permit.

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All the wine-tasting reports posted here are consumer-oriented. In order to maintain objectivity and avoid conflicts of interest, I purchase all the wines I rate at my own expense in retail stores and accept no samples, gifts or other gratuities from the wine industry.

Wednesday, Aug. 10, 2005
Copyright 2005 by Robin Garr. All rights reserved.

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