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PostPosted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 1:27 pm
by ChefCarey
Many years ago I hosted monthly wine dinners (well, not *exactly* "hosted" - they paid.) I had roasted a couple of kids outside for this one (No! Not *that* kind!)

The meal and the wines were very well received. About 75 diners/drinkers.

I had a real spiffy crepe dish I was going to wrap up with. While most of the individual portions were assembled in the kitchen. I wanted to do some pyrotechnics in front of the crowd, though.

Set up a copper rechaud on a cart in front of the folks.

As the waiters were bringing out the preponderance of the desserts,I fired up the rechaud and put my copper pan on it. My timing was impeccable Got it quite hot. Put butter, the crepes etc in. (You think you see where this is going, but you don't. )

I began adding an array of liqueurs to the pan. I had some of the giant matches with which to light the pan. Added a little super duper 150 proof flambe liquid to insure a good fire.Went to light it with a flourish. Unfortunately I flourished right into the pan's handle with my flourishing hand - the result being the pan flying off the rechaud and landing in a fortunately empty seat at the front table (guest was in the bathroom) , catching the chair on fire.

I said Voila!