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TTN: Harmnutty STGFOP Assam

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 6:08 am
by Saina
Harmnutty is apparently a great producer in Assam.

Dark leaves, with plenty of gold-brown tips. The brew (seeped for 4 mins at 95 C) was very dark orange, like an aged Tokaji AszĂș Esszencia. The nose is the archetypal black tea: strong and assertive with slight hints of orange. The palate is strong, tannic and balanced. Assertive stuff! Very nice.

The terroirs of tea are really interesting, no?

Re: TTN: Harmnutty STGFOP Assam

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 7:50 pm
by Marc D
I will chime in on the tea discussion you have started, Otto. Assam is one of my favorites. The thing I really like about it is with a little milk, it takes on a very malty flavor. There are some teas that I don't add milk to, but I always do with Assam.

I used to have to my tea shipped to me, but now I stock up when visiting Vancouver. The Canadians have a better selection of fine teas than I can find here.

Re: TTN: Harmnutty STGFOP Assam

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:25 pm
by Saina
Marc D wrote:I will chime in on the tea discussion you have started, Otto. Assam is one of my favorites. The thing I really like about it is with a little milk, it takes on a very malty flavor. There are some teas that I don't add milk to, but I always do with Assam.

I've heard that Assam can be really good with a touch of milk, but as a lactose intolerant, I will never try. Just not worth the pain IMO. Though I suppose I could taste the tea like I do wine - spit it out, LOL!! I never add anything to my tea except water ;)