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Thanks, but ...

PostPosted: Sun Apr 16, 2006 2:03 pm
by Robin Garr
John, that's very generous of you, but I would respectfully suggest that we put this plan in escrow for the time being.

Here's why:

1. The long thread on forum improvements strongly suggests that a significant majority of forumites are delighted with the new forum and see no merit in moving on to yet another platform.

2. The one big issue is "threading," but we're looking closely into that and may be able to announce a solution in the near future that can address this without significant costs.

3. I've always been able to subsidize the forum from WineLoversPage revenue, and don't see any immediate reason to need to change that.

4. This forum we're on is fully contained on my own servers, is fully under my control, and it has good security systems that we can use (if we have to) to block out hackers, identity thieves and such.

So we really don't face a challenge or a need right now.

But that being said, it's a generous offer. Let's just be aware of your good spirit and willingness to help, and if a need arises, we'll call on you (and everyone) ... but no point in ringing out the volunteer fire department until we smell smoke. :)